Confidentiality Corner

Privacy & Security

Built by Demox Labs and audited by Cure53, it ensures your keys remain encrypted on your device for ultimate control. We prioritize your privacy by not tracking any personal information.

Audited by the Best. Cure53

Built by the Best. Demox Labs

Used by the best. You


Absolute Privacy and Control

Leo Wallet is a self-custodial wallet: Your keys, your crypto. 
With Leo Wallet your keys are encrypted on your device, accessible only by you.

file shield

Privately Hold and Transact Crypto

We don't just claim to be secure; we prove it. Our code has undergone stringent scrutiny by Cure53, renowned auditors trusted by the elite in tech. Curious about our security report? It’s yours to explore.

Security Insights

Audit Reports

Explore the thorough audit records of Leo Wallet, ensuring transparency and instilling confidence
in the security measures protecting your valuable crypto assets.

Jan 2024

Audit by Cure53

Leo Wallet

Join The Privacy Revolution!

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